If you’re keen on playing online bingo, Moon Bingo is a website in the UK where you could start. This site offers a broad variety of bingo games, including the popular 90-ball and 75-ball versions, as well as the faster-paced Speed Bingo.
Launched in 2009 and enjoying a significant revamp in 2017, Moon Bingo combines traditional bingo with a modern and user-friendly interface.
As a member of Moon Bingo, you have access to not just bingo rooms but also other types of online games such as slots, slingo, and scratch cards.
The site provides incentives like a 200% bingo bonus and 50 free spins on select slots when making your initial deposit.
Plus, if you fancy playing on the go, there’s a mobile option for your Android device, allowing you to play bingo anywhere you have an internet connection.
When you become part of the Moon Bingo community, you join a group where chatting with fellow players is part of the fun.
The site maintains a friendly atmosphere with chat rooms and offers the chance to snag extra goodies through chat games.
For those seeking detailed insights, various Moon Bingo reviews highlight the site as having both an extensive collection of bingo games and a layout that caters to fantasy enthusiasts.
Bonuses and Promotions at Moon Bingo
At Moon Bingo, you’re greeted with various bonus offers designed to extend your playtime and potentially increase your chances to win.
Welcome Bonus
When you join Moon Bingo, you can expect a welcome bonus that boosts your initial deposit.
For instance, depositing £10 might land you a 200% bingo bonus, meaning an additional £20 to play with, maxing out at £100.
Moon Bingo Free Spins
The welcome package often includes free spins.
You could receive up to 50 free spins split between popular slot games. This means you get to try your luck on top titles without using your deposited funds.
Moon Bingo No Deposit Bingo & Free Play
Periodically, Moon Bingo may offer no deposit options or opportunities for free play.
These special promotions allow you to engage in games and experience the site’s offerings without depositing your own money.
Moon Bingo Bonus Code
From time to time, Moon Bingo might provide bonus codes that unlock additional rewards.
Keep an eye on promotional emails or the bonus section on the site for these codes, which can grant you extra bingo bonuses or spins.
Other Promotions, Bonuses and Perks
For loyal members, Moon Bingo keeps the excitement going with various ongoing promotions. These can range from daily to monthly deals, often including:
- Extra bonus spins
- Special bingo rooms with bigger jackpots
- Prize draws and raffles
Stay updated with the site’s promotions page to catch the latest offers. Remember to check the terms for any wagering requirements or restrictions.
About Moon Bingo
Moon Bingo is an online bingo site that started in 2010. Your experience at this website involves a variety of bingo games, including 90-ball, 75-ball, and 52-ball, which are played in numerous rooms.
Moon Bingo is owned by the Rank Group, a renowned name in the gaming and entertainment industry in the UK.
When trying your hand at Moon Bingo, you’re enjoying a site that’s part of a wider network. Broadway Gaming Group and United Bingo are not directly associated with Moon Bingo as owners or operators; however, they may operate other bingo sites that could be considered “sister sites” to Moon Bingo.
Let’s list some key information:
- Establishment: 2010
- Ownership: Broadway Gaming
- Game Variants Offered: 90-ball, 75-ball, 52-ball
- Bingo Rooms: Over 22 rooms
- Welcome Offer: 200% up to £100 + 50 Free Spins
- Minimum Deposit: £10
- Sister Sites: Potential sister sites operate within a broader bingo network but are not owned by the same group.
Moon Bingo maintains its reputation by offering you continuous bingo action with guaranteed jackpots, penny bingo games, and free bingo, ensuring your time spent there is both fun and rewarding.
If you are new, there’s no need for a bonus code to claim the welcome offer; simply deposit at least £10 to get started with potential winnings.
Website Overview
When you visit Moon Bingo, the website greets you with a mix of bright blue and pink colours. The design is simple but effective in capturing your attention without overwhelming you.
Its user-friendly layout ensures you can navigate through the site with ease.
Moon Bingo has refreshed its appearance to provide a more modern look and feel. Here’s what you can expect:
- Colour Scheme: A charming combination of blues and pinks.
- Navigation: Straightforward menus for easy access to games.
- Imagery: A fantasy motif with fairies adds a touch of whimsy.
The site has utilised a fairly uncomplicated approach to its design. This simplicity aids in making your time spent playing enjoyable and hassle-free.
As a user, you’ll find a clear path to your desired games, promotions, and customer support, which improve your overall experience.
The thematic elements reflect a mythical and fantasy-inspired atmosphere.
While exploring games or using the site, you’ll encounter subtle nods to fairy tales, which contribute to a playful ambiance.
If you’re fond of a clean but enchanting environment to enjoy your favourite bingo games, then Moon Bingo‘s website might just be up your alley.
It combines a no-fuss design with enchanting motifs, creating a place where you can have fun and maybe even snag a win.
Pros & Cons
In assessing Moon Bingo, you should consider both the advantages and the potential drawbacks. This insight will equip you with balanced information for making an informed decision.
- Variety of Bingo Rooms: Moon Bingo boasts a diverse range of bingo rooms, including 90-ball, 75-ball and 52-ball variants, offering you numerous options for play.
- Promotions: There are enticing offers such as a 200% welcome bonus and additional free spins, subject to the UK Gambling Commission’s regulations.
- Free Bingo Options: You have access to several free bingo rooms, allowing you to enjoy games without depositing extra funds, which supports responsible gambling practices.
- Loyalty Rewards: Regular players can benefit from loyalty rooms and rewards, adding value for consistent visitors of the site.
- Wagering Requirements: The welcome bonus comes with a 4x wagering requirement, which means that withdrawing your bonus winnings involves additional playing.
- Geo-Restrictions: Moon Bingo services are tailored to the UK market, which could limit availability if you’re residing outside the UK.
- Limited Table Games: If you fancy a break from bingo, the site has fewer alternatives compared to some of the best bingo sites that have a wider range of casino games.
Game Selection and Software at Moon Bingo
When you visit Moon Bingo, you’ll find yourself with a diverse array of bingo games and slots to enjoy, all powered by a renowned software provider.
Bingo Software Provider
Moon Bingo uses Dragonfish software to power its bingo rooms. Dragonfish is well-regarded in the online bingo community for its reliable and user-friendly interface.
Bingo Games
The bingo games on Moon Bingo consist of:
- 90-ball bingo: Traditional UK bingo, available in rooms like Penny Express and Forest Fun.
- 75-ball bingo: The American version of bingo, with a range of patterns to keep things fresh.
- Free bingo and penny bingo options are available, offering a cost-effective way to play.
For those who like something different, there’s Bingo Roulette, a unique blend of bingo and roulette.
Slots & Casino Games
Aside from bingo, Moon Bingo has an impressive selection of additional games:
- Slot games: A mixture of popular titles, including the beloved Fluffy Favourites.
- Casino games: Although the focus is on bingo, the site does provide variety with scratch cards and classic casino games.
At Moon Bingo, your experience is centred around quality and variety, ensuring you have a good time while playing your preferred games.
Security & Licensing
Moon Bingo operates under the UK Gambling Commission, ensuring your security and adherence to strict responsible gambling practices.
The site’s licence number is 58267, which confirms its legal right to operate and provide gaming services.
- Secure Transactions: Your personal and financial details are safe because the site uses SSL Encryption. This technology scrambles data to prevent unauthorised access.
- Fair Play: Games on the site are regularly audited to ensure fair play and honest payouts.
- Responsible Gambling: Moon Bingo promotes responsible playing behaviours with features like self-limits, helping you maintain control over your gaming habits.
Moon Bingo has built a trustworthy reputation by providing a secure environment where you can enjoy playing without undue worry about your online safety.
Playing On Mobile
Playing bingo on your mobile is straightforward with Moon Bingo. Their mobile app lets you play bingo anytime and anywhere, enhancing convenience for you.
Moon Bingo provides a version compatible with both iOS and Android devices. Here’s how you can start:
- Download: Head over to the Google Play or Apple App Store and search for Moon Bingo.
- Install: Download and install the app on your device.
- Play: Open the app to join the latest bingo games.
Benefits of Mobile Play:
- Play on-the-go, whether you’re at home or travelling.
- Easy access to all Moon Bingo games.
- Seamless gameplay similar to desktop.
Moon Bingo’s site ensures mobile players have a smooth experience.
With the mobile app, you have the entire range of bingo games at your fingertips. Since the quality is akin to desktop, you aren’t missing out on any of the fun.
The transition from desktop to mobile is seamless, keeping the gaming quality constant.
To play, you need to simply follow a few steps to download and install the app. After which, you can immediately start enjoying bingo games.
This site makes sure the flexibility offered by mobile play is at your disposal. It empowers you to play bingo as per your preference, taking advantage of the latest technologies for your comfort.
Signing Up For An Account
To register at Moon Bingo, you’ll need to create an account.
First, find the ‘sign up’ option on the site. Upon selecting this, you’ll typically be prompted to provide personal details such as your name, email address, birth date, and a secure password.
Registration Steps:
- Go to the Moon Bingo website.
- Click on the ‘Join Now’ or ‘Sign Up’ button.
- Fill out the form with your personal information. This will include:
- Full name
- Email address
- Birth date (to ensure you’re of legal age to play)
- Address
- Phone number
- Choose a username and password for your account.
- Read and accept the site’s Terms & Conditions.
- Confirm your account through an email verification link, if required.
Once these steps are completed, you’re ready to start playing at Moon Bingo.
It’s important to remember that your details should be entered accurately to avoid issues with account verification or fund withdrawals.
After using these details to log in, you may deposit funds into your account and purchase bingo cards to join the games.
Always check whether the bingo site offers bonuses or promotions for new sign-ups. These could give you extra value for your first-time deposit or free credits to start playing.
Payment Options
Moon Bingo offers you various secure methods to manage your funds. You can easily deposit and withdraw money, ensuring a smooth bingo experience.
Deposit Methods
Moon Bingo supports a range of deposit methods to fund your account.
You may use traditional options like a bank transfer, or modern methods such as Apple Pay. For those preferring to deposit over the phone, Moon Bingo provides a secure line to handle transactions.
- Bank Transfer
- Apple Pay
- Phone Deposits
Withdrawal Procedures
When you’re ready to withdraw your deposit balance, Moon Bingo has a straightforward process in place.
However, the provided information doesn’t detail specifics about withdrawal methods.
It’s common practice for sites to offer withdrawals through similar means as deposits. So, you might expect options like bank transfers and other available methods for collecting your winnings.
Always remember to verify the terms and conditions for withdrawal times and potential fees.
Customer Support at Moon Bingo
Moon Bingo’s customer support is renowned for its range of contact options to suit your needs, ensuring assistance is always at hand.
Available Contact Channels
At Moon Bingo, you have a variety of options to reach out for help:
- Phone – Quick verbal assistance
- Email – Written queries and concerns
- Live Chat – Immediate online help
- Contact Form – Send a detailed message
Email & Phone Number
You can use email for less urgent enquiries, with responses typically within 72 hours.
For urgent matters, the phone line offers immediate assistance during operational hours.
Moon Bingo on Social Media
Moon Bingo’s team extends its customer service through their social media channels, providing an additional avenue for support and the latest updates.
Alternatives Bingo Sites
When you’re looking for variety in online bingo, sister sites of Moon Bingo offer similar environments to play in.
Other Sites Owned by Moon Bingo
Moon Bingo operates within a network of related bingo websites. These sister sites provide similar gaming experiences and often share the same promotions.
Ted Bingo and Robin Hood Bingo are examples of such sites.
Ted Bingo is known for its spy theme and thrilling bingo rooms. Meanwhile, Robin Hood Bingo offers a playful take on the legendary figure with generous bonuses and a variety of games.
- Ted Bingo: Specialises in exciting bingo rooms and generous player incentives.
- Robin Hood Bingo: Features a fun theme with a range of bingo games and slots.
Moon Bingo stands as a reputable site with a strong history in the UK online bingo landscape. Originating in 2010 and now a member of the Rank Group, it offers a reliable and user-friendly environment for your bingo indulgence.
Bringing together an assortment of 90-ball, 75-ball, and 52-ball bingo rooms, the gameplay remains engaging.
The bonuses and promotions serve to enhance your time on the site. By depositing a mere £10, you’re greeted with a 200% Bingo Bonus along with 20 Free Spins on Starburst, presenting a warm welcome without overcomplicating the proceedings.
Additionally, regulars can find enjoyment in the Prize Wheel feature, supplementing recurrent play with potential rewards.
The variety of bingo games caters to different budgets, with penny bingo rooms for cost-conscious players and guaranteed jackpots for those seeking larger prizes.
The slots assortment, while not exhaustive, offers enough diversity for a change of pace, including the popular blend of bingo and slots found in Slingo.
Your security is a priority, and with licensure from the UK Gambling Commission, Moon Bingo assures a protected space for playing.
Complete with a mobile-compatible design, it facilitates on-the-go access, ensuring you’re never far from the fun.
List of Features:
- 90-ball, 75-ball, 52-ball bingo rooms
- 200% Bingo Bonus + 20 Free Spins on first deposit
- Prize Wheel with multiple rewards
- Licensed by the UK Gambling Commission
- Mobile-friendly site design
Moon Bingo remains dedicated to providing you with comfortable and enjoyable bingo sessions, backed by appropriate support and an attentive community atmosphere.
James Dooley is a highly regarded digital entrepreneur with a huge digital real estate portfolio. He has extensive knowledge and experience in SEO and digital marketing. He enjoys contributing to sports betting blogs, entrepreneurship topics and advancements in search engine optimisation as an author.
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